WeLead: EU Scheme for Young Professionals in the Western Balkans

If you are a professional, aged 35 or younger, and serving as a public official and coming from the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia), we invite you to join us for new exciting learning opportunities and step out as next-generation leaders and policymakers of the EU integration process!

Project duration

Starting on July 1, 2025,
and lasting for one year.


Free of Charge – all costs of travel
and other activities are covered

Apply now and contribute to good neighborly relations and the advancement of the EU integration process of the Western Balkans!

Check out participant impressions of the project.

Objectives of the WeLead project

The overall objective of the project is to encourage young public officials to step out as emerging leaders of ideas, people and reforms and thus enabling reconciliation and good neighborly relations, and the advancement of the EU integration process of the Western Balkans.

Watch the video for everything you need to know about the project.

What will you get by joining the project?


As the next generation of public administrators and policy makers in the Western Balkans, selected candidates will enhance their knowledge and experience in the leadership topics and the EU accession process. This acquired expertise will empower them to take charge of the accession process and effectively drive and lead future changes in their societies.


The project will enhance professional network among young professionals and their administrations via regional activities and mentoring. It will build on improving knowledge and experience of the EU accession process acquired by alumni, the next generation of public administrators and policymakers in the Western Balkans.

Who is the right fit for the WeLead project?

The WeLead project is designed for young professionals aged 35 or younger who are public officials from the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia). It targets the next generation of leaders and policymakers working in key areas related to EU accession and public administration reform (PAR). If you are part of the public administration at any government level—such as European integration ministries, ministries for public administration, ministries of finance, line ministries, tax administrations, central banks, or subnational governments—we encourage you to apply.

Working language

The working language for both oral and written communication within the project is English. This includes written materials for the learning events. Candidates are required proficiency in English at least at B level.

Eligibility criteria

Successful candidates will be selected for participation in the WeLead project based on their eligibility, skills, and competencies. To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a public official from the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia).
  • Be aged 35 or younger.
  • Have a minimum B-level proficiency in English.

The learning process

1. WeLearn – Skills and Capabilities Development

The project’s Steering Committee will focus on six key topics, which will be addressed through six distinct learning initiatives:

  • 3 face-to-face activities: These will be available exclusively for participants of the WeLearn component. Each face-to-face activity will last 2.5 days.
  • 3 online activities: These will be conducted through the CEF Online Learning Campus (OLC) and are open to all participants of the WeLead project, regardless of which component they are part of. Each online activity will span 2 weeks, with only a few hours of engagement per day (totaling 2.5 learning days).
  • Additional two self-paced courses.

These initiatives are designed to offer a mix of in-person and online learning opportunities, catering to diverse learning needs and preferences.

Watch the VIDEO for impressions from participants

  1. Innovations and Service Delivery
  2. Public Institutions as Learning Organizations
  3. Participative Governance and Listening at a Bigger Scale
  4. Policy Cycles and Reforms in the Public Finance Sector
  5. Managerial Accountability and Professional and Personal Integrity
  6. Digital Transformation and its Interrelation with Public Financial Management (PFM) and Public Administration Reform (PAR)
2. WeExperience – Study Visits in the Western Balkans and the EU
  • Study visits will be organised and include
    cultural component
  • 1 study visit to the EU
  • 2 study visits to Western Balkan institutions
  • All three study visits will last up to 3 days each.


3. WeWrite – Policy Paper Writing Projects, Powered by Mentoring

The activities under this component will focus on:

  • Learning about policy analysis
  • Communication and writing policy notes
  • Working with a mentor
  • Participating in webinars and face-to-face meetings


  • 4 webinars
  • 3 face-to-face meetings
  • Individual work and bilateral sessions with a mentor

See the publication with policy papers for 2023/2024.


4. WeConnect – Networking and Alumni Support

Networking activities will include:

  • Jumbo Meeting: 1.5 days in Ljubljana
  • Access to Self-Paced Online Courses on the CEF OLC
  • Connection between Alumni and Active Participants through a mentoring scheme


5. WeCoach – Executive Coaching

Coaching sessions for participants and alumni will be provided by a CEF internal certified coach as well as external certified coaches.

Duration of this activity:

  • 1 introductory session
  • 6-10 coaching sessions, each lasting 1 hour

Read about impressions from participants.


WeShare icon
6. WeShare – Knowledge Sharing and Peer Review

Establishing a learning and knowledge
sharing community between all the
participants. Activities include:

  • knowledge exchange sessions integrated
    within learning initiatives
  • LinkedIn closed group
  • Webinar
  • Knowledge sharing diary
  • Reflection summit (0,5 day)



Additional information:

The project is divided into 6 components.

WeConnect and WeShare are mandatory components for all candidates who join the project.

The remaining four components have a limited number of places, and participants will be assigned to a component by the coordinators based on eligibility and availability.

Important notice
Please note that this is not a vacancy notice and this is not a selection process for employment at CEF, Adecco or any other organization/institution partnering in this project. The selection process is set-up to select suitable candidates who will be included for a project of up-skilling. Successful candidates will be included in the project under the agreement made with their employer.

Deadline for application: April 4, 2025

Selection process
  • Application
  • All applicant receive additional assessment (online)
  • Application reviews against necessary qualification and eligibility
  • Invitation to an interview for shortlisted candidates
  • Receiving information about selection or non-selection


Fill the application form to apply for the WeLead project

"*" indicates required fields

Proficiency in English language at least at B level?:*
Do you serve as public official in public administration (1) in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia)?:*
(1) public administrations at all government levels, such as European integration ministries, ministries for public administration, ministries of finance, line ministries, tax administrations, central banks and subnational governments.
Availability / interest to interact in person during the project (participation in components WeLearn and WeExperience)?:*
Support letter from the superior will need to be provided.
Max. file size: 2 MB.
Max. file size: 2 MB.
I confirm that I fulfill all eligibility criteria stated in this project selection notice (2):*
(2) Please note that by sending this application form, you confirm that all data submitted is truthful and correct. You confirm that in case of not fulfilling the eligibility requirements, you may be excluded from the process at any point of the selection process or at any later stage of the project WeLead.
Terms of business*